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Showing posts from 2013

Horse Owners Guide to Equine Terminology

Like with many industries, there is plenty of jargon to get your head around in the world of horse ownership. If you're a new owner, this is your essential guide to equine terminology and their definitions: Action: In horse terminology, 'action' refers to the way a horse moves at various gaits such as walking, trotting, cantering, and galloping Aged: 'Aged' refers to a horse over 9 years old. Horses that are 'aged' are normally at the end of their racing career. Bomb Proof: A horse described as 'bomb proof' is a horse that doesn't spook easily. These horses are usually well trained and extremely calm minded. Broodmare: A 'broodmare' is a female horse used solely for breeding. Colt: A 'colt' is a male horse, under four years old, that hasn't been castrated. Cribbing: Ever noticed your horse chewing on wood? This is known as 'cribbing' and is often associated with boredom and confinement as opposed to hung...

Mesyuarat Persatuan Sukan Ekuestrian Negeri Sarawak

Dari belakang / kiri : Irene Manja, Drusilla Allyn, Abdul Amir Abd Rahman, Aswandi Bujang, Nur Asyikin, Julia Lai,   Lily Liew and Debby Lim.   Didepan dari kiri : Zulkifli, Mr Nedumaran Linggapan, Abd Rahman Sepawie, Major (Rtd) Hj Amir Abdullah Hassan, Cikgu Amir Mahmud Piang. Tak ada dalam gambar : Cikgu Ri Gindan yang volunteer jadi cameraman... TQ to Cikgu Ri.                                                                                                                                                  Mesyuarat Persatuan Sukan Ekuestrian Negeri Sarawak telah selamat dan berjaya diadakan pada 19-1-2013...

Latihan untuk ‘Classical Seat’ menunggang kuda

Kepada ahli-ahli Persatuan Sukan Ekuestrian Negeri Sarawak, khasnya yang berminat nak ikut program menunggang kuda, study cara-cara riding dalam video ni sebagai panduan. Dengan belajar daripada video, diharap dapat juga membantu bila menunggang kuda secara pratikal. Ekuestrian Sarawak sms : 019-8770074

Program menunggang kuda untuk PPKI SK Jalan Arang, Padawan

Pada 08hb Januari 2013, Ekuestrian Sarawak telah membawa seekor kuda bernama BUDI dipadang  SK Jalan Arang Padawan, Batu Kawa, Kuching untuk program menunggang kuda kepada pelajar-pelajar Pendidikan Khas Istimewa. Program ini adalah anjuran bersama pihak PPKI SK Jalan Arang dan Persatuan Sukan Ekuestrian Negeri Sarawak sebagai satu program amal dan satu bentuk kaedah therapy kepada pelajar-pelajar yang terlibat. Diharap usaha ini akan diteruskan lagi dengan lebih kemas dan teratur agar ianya akan lebih memberi manafaat kepada pelajar-pelajar dan semua pihak yang terbabit. Pihak Ekuestrian Sarawak sangat menyokong program ini kerana merasa sangat yakin akan potensi dan faedah yang terhasil daripada usaha menjayakan program ini. Sebilangan besar pelajar-pelajar yang mengambil bahagian ternyata  kelihatan bersemangat dan berseronok semasa menunggang kuda. Memang jelas, program ini sangat memberi kesan atau impak yang positif kepada diri pelajar-pelajar tersebut.

Why do horse riding lessons cost so much?

Lesson fees vary by several reasons : region or area, type of discipline (or type of riding – western, english), duration of the lesson, and the number of students participating. Most centers providing beginner lessons keep horses that are safe and appropriate for children or beginners. These lesson horses (horses or ponies that being used specially to teach riding lessons) are tasked with teaching new students how to care for and ride horses. Income from lessons fees is used to buy feed for the lesson horses, pay for their regular medical, dental, and hoof care, buy and repair equipment. Often good beginner lesson horses may be older and require special feeds and supplements to help them stay in top condition. The average cost to provide care & feeding for one healthy horse is around  RM450.00 – RM600.00 per month. In addition to feed and water, horses need supplements (essential vitamins & minerals), vaccinations, regular treatment against parasites, annual ...

Certificates and photos

There is never TOO late to start learning / riding Horses