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Why do horse riding lessons cost so much?

Lesson fees vary by several reasons : region or area, type of discipline (or type of riding – western, english), duration of the lesson, and the number of students participating. Most centers providing beginner lessons keep horses that are safe and appropriate for children or beginners. These lesson horses (horses or ponies that being used specially to teach riding lessons) are tasked with teaching new students how to care for and ride horses.
Income from lessons fees is used to buy feed for the lesson horses, pay for their regular medical, dental, and hoof care, buy and repair equipment. Often good beginner lesson horses may be older and require special feeds and supplements to help them stay in top condition. The average cost to provide care & feeding for one healthy horse is around  RM450.00 – RM600.00 per month.
In addition to feed and water, horses need supplements (essential vitamins & minerals), vaccinations, regular treatment against parasites, annual dental examinations, and hoof care every 4-8 weeks. The person in charge (managers / trainers) of the horses or ponies work continuously with a network of equine professionals to keep their horses healthy and sound for your lessons.
Because of the on-going cost of horse care, most riding instructors require advance notice of lesson cancellations or to reschedule to another date or day.
In order to provide riding lessons on safe mounts the center has to make some initial investments which generally include purchasing horses or ponies, tack and equipment, and having access to a safe stables, paddock or arena. The price for purchasing lesson horses and tack varies greatly again by region, discipline, age and experience of the horse, breed or type of horses and ponies, or tack, and other factors.
Most centres also pay for insurance, machinery & equipment, maintenance or improvements, electricity and water and workers or helpers salaries.
In general, lesson programs are unable to pay even a fraction of the cost of operating a center but ideally should pay to care for the designated lesson horses and the instructor’s salary.
Often riding centers will offer discounted fees for students learning in a group lesson while they charge a premium for private instruction.
For most students learning to ride, it is best to participate in group lessons for several reasons. As already mentioned it is often less expensive per student to ride with others. In addition if you ride with a group you can watch other riders which can be helpful if you’re a visual learner. Another bonus is the opportunity to meet new people and make friends.
Some riding centers offer working student arrangements which allow selected students to work at their centers for discounted or free lessons. This is typically only available for those students with horse experience and often includes activities like feeding, mucking stalls, cleaning tack, preparing horses for lessons, clipping, bathing, show preparation and support and more.
As your riding skills progress you may find that you are ready for a more advanced horse. If your instructor doesn’t have an advance school horse to match your skill level, you may have to purchase or lease a horse which should be done with the help of your instructor or another qualified professional.
When you take a riding lesson on a school horse you are paying both the riding instructor and the lesson horse. While you are riding your safety depends on the horse, facilities and instructor. It is extremely important that you take lessons from someone with whom you feel safe and on horses that are experienced with beginners.
Ask your riding instructor if he or she is certified as a riding instructor. There are several organizations that certify riding instructors at a variety of levels and for different disciplines. You may have to pay more for a lesson with a certified instructor but that certification tells you that your instructor passed the scrutiny of a professional organization.
Please do remember that horses and humans are living creatures and that we all sometimes make mistakes and accidents do happen. There is never a guarantee that riders won’t fall but there should always be a guarantee that safety is a top priority. Your riding instructor should be able to help you with advices and tips regarding your safety while at the riding center.

Ekuestrian Sarawak


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